Pro­cure­ment Lawyers

We advise and rep­re­sent you nation­wide in all
Ques­tions con­cern­ing the award pro­ce­dure.

We advise you on pub­lic pro­cure­ment, con­tract and sub­sidy law

Your advan­tages? You can find infor­ma­tion here!

Con­tract­ing author­i­ties achieve their pro­cure­ment goal — legal­ly com­pli­ant and quick­ly

We advise con­tract­ing author­i­ties on all aspects of pub­lic pro­cure­ment. Our focus is on pub­lic pro­cure­ment law, but we can also help you with all con­tract and grant issues. We han­dle pro­ce­dures for the award of con­tracts for you swift­ly and with legal cer­tain­ty, but can also pro­vide selec­tive sup­port, e.g. after receipt of a com­plaint, dur­ing the struc­tur­ing of the pro­ce­dure or pri­or to a prod­uct-spe­cif­ic pro­cure­ment. You can find out more about our ser­vices for con­tract­ing author­i­ties here.

Ten­der­ers are award­ed the con­tract, a sec­ond chance or dam­ages

We accom­pa­ny you in com­plex nego­ti­a­tion pro­ce­dures and are your experts for rejec­tion let­ters, clar­i­fi­ca­tion let­ters, exclu­sion let­ters, can­cel­la­tion notices and award block­ing let­ters. With us on your side, you won’t make any for­mal mis­takes. We safe­guard your chances of being award­ed a con­tract by means of rep­ri­mands and review pro­ceed­ings. If you have suf­fered dam­ages (e.g. lost prof­it, bid prepa­ra­tion costs), con­tact us with con­fi­dence. You can find out more about our ser­vices for ten­der­ers and can­di­dates here.

Ben­e­fi­cia­ries achieve their pro­cure­ment goal and retain their grant funds

Ben­e­fi­cia­ries are often required to apply pro­cure­ment law, but are not set up to do so. We help you with it. We will rep­re­sent you in the event that the fund­ing provider revokes and reclaims fund­ing, e.g. due to pro­cure­ment errors, expiry of the dead­line for the use of funds, pre­ma­ture com­mence­ment of mea­sures or vio­la­tions of con­di­tions or the pur­pose of the fund­ing. You can find out more about our ser­vices for ben­e­fi­cia­ries here.

abante | Your pro­cure­ment lawyers in num­bers

Award vol­ume
0 bil­lion
Proc. proc.

Our team for your suc­cess

We are a team of high­ly spe­cial­ized lawyers and attor­neys spe­cial­iz­ing in pub­lic pro­cure­ment law — active nation­wide, extreme­ly swift in our work and reli­able in our assess­ment of your chances of suc­cess. Our firm has a total of 20 employ­ees, includ­ing two trainees. With many years of expe­ri­ence and our exper­tise in pub­lic pro­cure­ment law, we ensure that you receive legal advice that meets your needs.

First con­sul­ta­tion free of charge
for new clients

News from our law office

Here we inform you about what moves our office every day. You can find all the lat­est press releas­es at the click of a but­ton, get an overview of our events, fol­low our blog, as well as gain insights from our newslet­ters, brochures, stud­ies and pub­li­ca­tions that are rel­e­vant to your busi­ness and the indus­try in which you oper­ate.

Spe­cial­ist ser­vice

Exclu­sive­ly for reg­is­tered clients.

Become a mem­ber of the exclu­sive month­ly abante | newslet­ter and nev­er miss an inno­va­tion in pro­cure­ment law. Here you have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to read our lat­est newslet­ters as a reg­is­tered client.

Explained. Informed. Always up to date.

Immerse your­self in the world of pub­lic pro­cure­ment law with our com­pre­hen­sive lex­i­con, which explains every tech­ni­cal term pre­cise­ly and lets lawyers pro­vide valu­able tips. Nev­er miss out on the lat­est rul­ings and devel­op­ments, thanks to con­stant updates from the case law on the indi­vid­ual spe­cial­ist terms.



Specialized law firm for public procurement law

Europe-wide expertise in public procurement law - your competent partner in all phases of the procurement process.

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