3 steps to the right ten­der for your com­pa­ny*

Can you still see your way through? So many plat­forms, so many pub­li­ca­tions, reg­is­tra­tions and mail noti­fi­ca­tions, a nor­mal per­son can lose the overview. This post is about how to regain the overview. I will show you how to find your dream Job in 3 very sim­ple steps, as far as it is announced.

What’s your dream job?

The first step is to ask your­self what exact­ly your dream job is. It is much eas­i­er to search if you know what you are look­ing for. So sim­ply ask your­self why you are on the mar­ket, what your com­pa­ny is sup­posed to do, what you are par­tic­u­lar­ly good at and what you are not. Which job fits your com­pa­ny per­fect­ly? You can answer this ques­tion in sev­er­al sub-steps, and you should. First, there’s what you do in terms of con­tent. What is your field of exper­tise, spe­cial­iza­tion, trade? This is not as suc­cinct as it sounds. Many entre­pre­neurs can’t even answer the ques­tion of what exact­ly you do day in and day out. I, on the oth­er hand, believe you should be able to describe the core of your busi­ness in a few words, maybe a sen­tence or two. If you don’t suc­ceed, it’s time to think about posi­tion­ing. But that’s anoth­er top­ic that does­n’t belong here. Again, ask your­self first and fore­most, what do you do? What is your trade? But that’s not the end of it. Place and time are also cru­cial. Your dream job takes place in this world, not in an ide­al world. Your dream job always has a place, and it always has a time. Some­where and at some time, the ser­vice must even­tu­al­ly be per­formed. So don’t stay vague and decide: where and when does the ser­vice need to be per­formed so that the order is a per­fect fit for your busi­ness? A ques­tion that ship­pers of goods will answer quite dif­fer­ent­ly than a free­lancer. We hold: every good order has a con­crete object, a con­crete place and a con­crete time. But that’s not all: the dream job must also be able to be man­aged by you — alone or togeth­er with oth­ers. So do you have the nec­es­sary capac­i­ties at the spe­cif­ic place and time? This is a ques­tion that many com­pa­nies answer with a “maybe”. These com­pa­nies then often shoot at every­thing that is not up in the trees. In a way, this is under­stand­able, because you nev­er know what you’ll actu­al­ly get in the end. But it’s also very dan­ger­ous. It’s prob­a­bly the orders we get that break us. Not the ones that pass us by. Final­ly, once you have clar­i­fied object and place and time and capac­i­ty, the all-impor­tant ques­tion: does this job also bring prof­it? Are you earn­ing mon­ey with this spe­cif­ic order? Make your­self clear: What does the assign­ment have to look like — beyond place and time and capac­i­ty — to make your involve­ment worth­while? What are the deci­sive cri­te­ria for “some­thing to stick”? Don’t know? Then sit down at a table with a piece of paper and a pen. You need to be clear about this. Sum­ma­riz­ing: Sub­ject, place, time, capac­i­ty, gain. These points must be clear. Oth­er­wise, you don’t need to go look­ing for ten­ders at all.

Where do I reg­is­ter?

The sec­ond step is much eas­i­er than the first. You need to clar­i­fy for your­self the ques­tion: Where do I reg­is­ter? Which of the many web­sites and elec­tron­ic award plat­forms is right for you. I rec­om­mend: Take a look back. First of all, take a look at your dream job. From that, deduce some­what casu­al­ly which plat­forms are of inter­est to you and which are not. Some plat­forms con­tain only region­al or even local jobs and are thus inter­est­ing for com­pa­nies whose dream job must be per­formed near­by. Oth­er plat­forms are main­ly aimed at con­struc­tion com­pa­nies, so if the sub­ject of your dream job is mar­ket­ing con­sult­ing, you can safe­ly for­get about these plat­forms. So actu­al­ly quite sim­ple, you might think. But, you will sure­ly object now, how am I sup­posed to know all these plat­forms? There are so many, you will say, and you are right. There are a hell of a lot. Here, my advice to you is sim­ple, call us. We don’t have “the” overview. But cer­tain­ly “an” overview. Togeth­er we will quick­ly find a rea­son­able reg­is­tra­tion and sub­mis­sion strat­e­gy for you. We help you with the sec­ond step. Already for the first step, the search for your dream job, we would have a check­list for you. But at the sec­ond step at the lat­est, you should think of us and our part­ners.

I am reg­is­tered, but how do I find out about new orders?

The third and final step to the right ten­der is how you now find out about new orders that are as close as pos­si­ble to your dream order. This, too, is not that dif­fi­cult. Good plat­forms (by no means all!) allow you to set up search pro­files. When a new job is post­ed that falls under your search pro­file, you will be noti­fied. And again, if you are now won­der­ing how to get such search pro­files, which plat­forms sup­port such search pro­files, feel free to con­tact us and our part­ners. We will help you with that too in an uncom­pli­cat­ed and direct way.


Let me sum­ma­rize. The first step is to for­mu­late your dream assign­ment. This requires that you define your­self: What do I do, when do I do it, where do I do it, do I have the capac­i­ty for it, and does it gen­er­ate enough prof­it? The sec­ond step is to sign up on select­ed plat­forms that make sense for you and your busi­ness. This is by no means the case with every plat­form; here you need an overview. The third step requires you not only to reg­is­ter on the select­ed plat­form, but also to cre­ate search pro­files. So that you actu­al­ly hear about the right orders. We and our part­ners can help you with all three steps. Just give us a call with­out any oblig­a­tion. We look for­ward to get­ting to know you.

*This legal tip is not a sub­sti­tute for legal advice in indi­vid­ual cas­es. By its very nature, it is incom­plete, nor is it spe­cif­ic to your case, and it also rep­re­sents a snap­shot in time, as legal prin­ci­ples and case law change over time. It can­not and does not cov­er all con­ceiv­able con­stel­la­tions, serves enter­tain­ment and ini­tial ori­en­ta­tion pur­pos­es and is intend­ed to moti­vate you to clar­i­fy legal issues at an ear­ly stage, but not to dis­cour­age you from doing so.

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