Secure Lin­ux Admin­is­tra­tion Con­fer­ence from May 23rd — 25th 2023 in Berlin

A great event for IT pro­fes­sion­als — the Secure Lin­ux Admin­is­tra­tion Con­fer­ence 2023 (or sim­ply SLAC 2023) host­ed by the Lin­ux experts at Hein­lein will take place this year from May 23–25 in Berlin. The pro­gram ranges from every­day admin­is­tra­tion, tech­ni­cal best prac­tices and legal issues to anec­dotes from the world of espi­onage. We are pleased to announce that one of our experts in pub­lic pro­cure­ment law Dr. Christoph Kins will sup­port SLAC 2023 on the sec­ond day of the con­fer­ence as a lec­tur­er on “Bid­ding Strate­gies in Pub­lic IT Pro­cure­ment” and on the third day with the pre­sen­ta­tion on “How to Design Open Source Ten­ders?”. If you are inter­est­ed, you can find all fur­ther details and infor­ma­tion at the fol­low­ing link:

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