Tourism Asso­ci­a­tion Spree­wald e.V.

Short name of legal ser­vices:
“Legal sup­port EU ten­der busi­ness man­age­ment of the tourist asso­ci­a­tion
Spree­wald e.V.”
Award Title:
“Geschäfts­be­sorgung für die Betrieb­s­führung des Touris­musver­ban­des Spree­wald e.V.”.

Per­for­mance pro­vid­ed in bul­let points:
— Consulting/support, prepa­ra­tion and han­dling of a nego­ti­a­tion pro­ce­dure
(with­out lots) with com­pet­i­tive bid­ding for the award of a
Agency agree­ment
— Clar­i­fi­ca­tion of pro­cure­ment, grant and con­tract law issues
— Answer­ing bid­der questions/bidder com­plaints
— Appli­cant apti­tude tests
— Offer phase: Eval­u­a­tions, acceptance/rejection let­ters incl. Con­tract design
— Cre­ation and main­te­nance of award file and note

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